Visual Leadership ConferenceVirtual Visual Leadership Workshop 2020

Connecting Creative Minds


Erin Howden

Erin Howden

Judy Pozsgay

Judy Pozsgay


Thriving in the Zoom Era
Not another zoom rehearsal!! Are you finding it challenging to motivate your members, other leaders, and at times even yourselves, to “bring it” to the new normal that is the Zoom era? You are not alone! With all its challenges, this can be an extremely productive and growth-producing time for our members and ourselves! This session will explore various strategies and ideas on how to creatively learn and teach over Zoom. We are in this together, so let’s build each other up and learn to thrive in the Zoom era.

Inspiring a Captivating Performance
Together we will acknowledge and explore the power of emotional purpose as the motivating force driving all musical and visual performance decisions. We will unpack creative exercises and teaching strategies to unleash authentic emotional performance potential in ourselves and those we are charged to lead. During the session, we will also discuss some of the barriers and traps that get in the way of achieving complete emotional release. Inspiring and empowering ourselves and others to captivate human hearts through emotional and authentic performance is our calling and the focus of this class.

Choreography Design Deconstructed
Join us as we analyze a piece of music and “deconstruct” the different elements (arrangement, lyric, emotion, interpretive plan) from the perspective of designing choreography that can support and enhance bringing the song to life. Let’s explore this comprehensive approach and create movement together while we share our design strategies.

What’s This Showmanship Thing All About?
Exploring Showmanship Levels
This class provides an overview of the SAI Showmanship category – yes there is more to it than lipstick and costumes - and provides an in-depth analysis into the hallmarks of the various performance levels. What makes a C a C? How does that differ from the B levels? And what elements are in place when we reach A? Put on your judge hat and join in the fascinating discussion as we review videos and talk all things Showmanship!

Let Your Body Sing!
Physicality to Enhance Musical Success
Many people underestimate how our physical performance choices influence our sound and our overall musical success. During this participative class we will explore physical approaches that promote strong vocal production. We will call on our creative imaginations, kinesthetics, and Interactive Experimentation to build strong physical performance habits that enhance our musical product.

Adventures in Performance Packaging
Have you ever put together a performance package? It’s one of the most fulfilling, creative adventures you could embark upon – and it can also be a daunting task. This session will provide an overview of the various elements that are part of the creation of an entertainment set; topics include logistical considerations, music selection, theme and script development, and the importance of emcee casting.

The Courageous Leader
There has never been a more important time than now to call upon our skills as leaders, opportunity makers, ground breakers and CREATIVE MINDS! To be transparent right now is to openly face our own very human fears and insecurities as we navigate through this challenging time. Coming together as a life-changing force, we will celebrate our cumulative power as leaders, our strength in growing and moving forward together through adversity, our desire to flourish through creative reinvention and our courageous call to action.

